
if you are happy-多吉律动儿歌

简介:If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it. If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet 如果感到幸福你就拍拍手 如果感到幸福你就拍拍手 如果感到幸福就快快拍拍手呀 看那大家都一起拍拍手 如果感到幸福你就跺跺脚 如果感到幸福你就跺跺脚 如果感到幸福就快快跺跺脚呀 看那大家都一起跺跺脚 如果感到幸福我们一起唱歌跳舞 如果感到幸福一起大声说 我很幸福!


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