

六年级英语 下册第三单元学习结束了,那么即将到来的单元测试,同学们知道要复习哪些重点吗?我为六年级师生整理了六年级英语下册第三单元重点,希望大家有所收获!


go-went去 ride-rode 骑

hurt-hurt受伤 eat – ate吃

take – took拍照buy-bought买

fall-fell摔倒 can– could能

lick-licked舔 laugh– laughed笑





你好!牛津6B Unit 4知识点整理

Unit 4 Review and check


1.do the long jump跳远 2.get on bus No.6 在6路公交车处上车

3.next to the Bank of China 紧靠银行旁边 4.high jump 跳高

5.50-metre race 50米赛跑 6.be good at running 擅长跑步


1. Who goes to school earlier, you or David?

2. Who goes to bed later, Helen or Mike?

3. Can I help you? Yes, I’d like a skirt for my daughter.

4. Do you have some smaller ones?

5. How far can…jump? Four meters.

6. Are Helens pencils as long as Nancys? Yes, they are.

7. We hope to see you soon. Come and visit us.

牛津6B Unit 5知识点整理

Unit 5 The seasons


weather天气 season季;季节 best最好的(good well的最高级)

spring春季 warm温暖的 summer夏季 hot热的

autumn秋季 cool凉的;凉快的 winter冬季 cold冷的

sunny晴朗的 windy有风的;多风的 rainy下雨的;多雨的

foggy有雾的;多雾的 cloudy多云的;阴天的 snowy下雪的;多雪的

rain雨;下雨 wind风 fog雾 cloud云 snow雪 sun太阳

snowman(雪堆成的)雪人 snowball雪球 have snowball fights打雪仗

countryside农村地区 because因为 hexagon六边形


1.go to New York 去纽约 2.next week 下一周

3.work there for one year 在那里工作一年 4.go to farms去农场

5.want to know about 想知道有关 6.the best season 最好的季节

7.ask questions about 问有关 的问题 8.in the countryside 在乡下

9.the weather in New York 纽约的天气 10.pick apples 摘苹果

11.Sounds great ! 听起来太棒了! 12.most of the time 大部分时间

13.make snowmen 堆雪人 14.have snowball fights 打雪仗

15.some warmer clothes 一些较保暖的衣服 16.turn green (指植物)变绿

17.go rowing 去划船 18.go swimming去游泳

19.get longer变得更长 20.get shorter变得更短

21.go walking去散步 22.go jogging去慢跑

23.go skating去滑冰 24.go skiing去滑雪

25.go climbing去爬山 26.go fishing 去钓鱼


1. What’s the weather like? It’s …天气怎么样?天气…

2. Which season do you like best? I like…best.你最喜欢什么季节?我最喜欢…Why? Because it’s…I can…为什么?因为天气… 我能…

3. It’s…than… in… …天气比… 更…

4.It often rains.它经常下雨。

5.It is warm in spring.春天天气比较暖和。

6. The days get shorter and the nights get longer in autumn/winter.

7. The days get longer and the nights get shorter in spring/summer.

牛津6B Unit 6知识点整理

Unit 6 Planning for the weekend

一、 单词:

plan计划;打算 picnic野餐 play(戏剧的)演出 give举行

take part ( in )参加;参与 Beijing opera京剧 show演出

concert音乐会 outing短途旅游;远足 contest竞赛;比赛 Africa非洲

sports meeting运动会 still仍然 theatre戏院;剧场 zebra 斑马


1. have school上课;有课 2.have a picnic野餐

3. I’d love to 我很愿意… 4.go on an outing去远足

5. by the way顺便地;附带说说 6.see a play看戏剧演出

7. see a Beijing opera show看京剧演出 8.of course当然

9. on Saturday morning在周六上午 10.give a puppet show举行木偶演出

11. warm and sunny温暖晴朗 13.give a concert举行音乐会

14. take part in the sports meeting参加运动会

15. call… 打电给… 16.join us参加我们

17. talk about their plans for the weekend谈论他们的周末计划

18. still in bed还在床上 19.with us和我们在一起

20.last year去年 21.Music Club 音乐俱乐部

22.meet at one thirty in front of the Garden Theatre 一点半在花园剧院门前会面

23.in the school在学校 24.buy some presents买一些礼物

25.come with Wang Bing 和Wang Bing一起来26.at the concert在音乐会上

27.have a class outing举行班级远足 28.your class project 你的班级课题

29.meet at the bus stop at 10:30 10:30在公交车站会面

30.a new zebra from Africa 来自非洲的新斑马


1. ----What are we/you going to do? ----Were/I’m going to… (动词原形)

----What is he/she/Liu Tao going to do? ----He/She is going to…

----What are Liu Tao and Tom going to do? ----They are going to…

2.(打电话)----Hello, is that…? ----Yes, (this is…) speaking. /No.

1. It is 8:30 on Saturday morning.

2. The children do not have school today.

3. They are talking about their plans for the weekend.

4. ----Would you like to join us? ----Yes, I’d love to. /Sorry, I can’t.

I’m busy.

5. ----Shall we meet at one thirty in front of the Garden Theatre? ----Yes.

6. ----What time are you doing to come home? ----At 4:30, I think.

7. ---What are you going to do at 10:15 tomorrow morning? ----I’m going to

牛津6B Unit 7知识点整理

Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend

一、 单词:

letter信 penfriend(不见面的)通信朋友;笔友 glue胶水;胶粘物

writing paper书写纸;信纸;便条纸 envelope信封both(两个)都



在 学习英语 课文中遇到一些看不懂的单词或 句子 很影响对整篇课文的理解,下面我为同学们带来六年级下册英语unit2课文翻译,欢迎大家学习!

六年级下册英语unit2课文翻译:Let's try

Wu Yifan is asking John about last weekend.Listen and circle.


1.What did John do last weekend?


A.He slept. A.他睡觉了。



链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1z7f_Y_3grWF1PsUpP0UDLg



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梅语文:人教PEP英语1~6年级下册电子课本+全册预习资料|梅学堂:人教版PEP英语五年级下册整本预习资料全汇总.pdf|梅学堂:人教版PEP英语五年级下册电子课本.pdf|梅学堂:人教版PEP英语四年级下册整本预习资料全汇总.pdf|梅学堂:人教版PEP英语四年级下册电子课本.pdf|梅学堂:人教版PEP英语三年级下册整本预习资料全汇总.pdf|梅学堂:人教版PEP英语三年级下册电子课本.pdf|梅学堂:人教版PEP英语六年级下册整本预习资料全汇总.pdf|梅学堂:人教版PEP英语六年级下册电子课本.pdf 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1sAEFQT4Khm6gfugEJWTd4w



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六年级英语 下册第三单元学习结束了,那么即将到来的单元测试,同学们知道要复习哪些重点吗?我为六年级师生整理了六年级英语下册第三单元重点,希望大家有所收获!


go-went去 ride-rode 骑

hurt-hurt受伤 eat – ate吃

take – took拍照buy-bought买

fall-fell摔倒 can– could能

lick-licked舔 laugh– laughed笑





你好!牛津6B Unit 4知识点整理

Unit 4 Review and check


1.do the long jump跳远 2.get on bus No.6 在6路公交车处上车

3.next to the Bank of China 紧靠银行旁边 4.high jump 跳高

5.50-metre race 50米赛跑 6.be good at running 擅长跑步


1. Who goes to school earlier, you or David?

2. Who goes to bed later, Helen or Mike?

3. Can I help you? Yes, I’d like a skirt for my daughter.

4. Do you have some smaller ones?

5. How far can…jump? Four meters.

6. Are Helens pencils as long as Nancys? Yes, they are.

7. We hope to see you soon. Come and visit us.

牛津6B Unit 5知识点整理

Unit 5 The seasons


weather天气 season季;季节 best最好的(good well的最高级)

spring春季 warm温暖的 summer夏季 hot热的

autumn秋季 cool凉的;凉快的 winter冬季 cold冷的

sunny晴朗的 windy有风的;多风的 rainy下雨的;多雨的

foggy有雾的;多雾的 cloudy多云的;阴天的 snowy下雪的;多雪的

rain雨;下雨 wind风 fog雾 cloud云 snow雪 sun太阳

snowman(雪堆成的)雪人 snowball雪球 have snowball fights打雪仗

countryside农村地区 because因为 hexagon六边形


1.go to New York 去纽约 2.next week 下一周

3.work there for one year 在那里工作一年 4.go to farms去农场

5.want to know about 想知道有关 6.the best season 最好的季节

7.ask questions about 问有关 的问题 8.in the countryside 在乡下

9.the weather in New York 纽约的天气 10.pick apples 摘苹果

11.Sounds great ! 听起来太棒了! 12.most of the time 大部分时间

13.make snowmen 堆雪人 14.have snowball fights 打雪仗

15.some warmer clothes 一些较保暖的衣服 16.turn green (指植物)变绿

17.go rowing 去划船 18.go swimming去游泳

19.get longer变得更长 20.get shorter变得更短

21.go walking去散步 22.go jogging去慢跑

23.go skating去滑冰 24.go skiing去滑雪

25.go climbing去爬山 26.go fishing 去钓鱼


1. What’s the weather like? It’s …天气怎么样?天气…

2. Which season do you like best? I like…best.你最喜欢什么季节?我最喜欢…Why? Because it’s…I can…为什么?因为天气… 我能…

3. It’s…than… in… …天气比… 更…

4.It often rains.它经常下雨。

5.It is warm in spring.春天天气比较暖和。

6. The days get shorter and the nights get longer in autumn/winter.

7. The days get longer and the nights get shorter in spring/summer.

牛津6B Unit 6知识点整理

Unit 6 Planning for the weekend

一、 单词:

plan计划;打算 picnic野餐 play(戏剧的)演出 give举行

take part ( in )参加;参与 Beijing opera京剧 show演出

concert音乐会 outing短途旅游;远足 contest竞赛;比赛 Africa非洲

sports meeting运动会 still仍然 theatre戏院;剧场 zebra 斑马


1. have school上课;有课 2.have a picnic野餐

3. I’d love to 我很愿意… 4.go on an outing去远足

5. by the way顺便地;附带说说 6.see a play看戏剧演出

7. see a Beijing opera show看京剧演出 8.of course当然

9. on Saturday morning在周六上午 10.give a puppet show举行木偶演出

11. warm and sunny温暖晴朗 13.give a concert举行音乐会

14. take part in the sports meeting参加运动会

15. call… 打电给… 16.join us参加我们

17. talk about their plans for the weekend谈论他们的周末计划

18. still in bed还在床上 19.with us和我们在一起

20.last year去年 21.Music Club 音乐俱乐部

22.meet at one thirty in front of the Garden Theatre 一点半在花园剧院门前会面

23.in the school在学校 24.buy some presents买一些礼物

25.come with Wang Bing 和Wang Bing一起来26.at the concert在音乐会上

27.have a class outing举行班级远足 28.your class project 你的班级课题

29.meet at the bus stop at 10:30 10:30在公交车站会面

30.a new zebra from Africa 来自非洲的新斑马


1. ----What are we/you going to do? ----Were/I’m going to… (动词原形)

----What is he/she/Liu Tao going to do? ----He/She is going to…

----What are Liu Tao and Tom going to do? ----They are going to…

2.(打电话)----Hello, is that…? ----Yes, (this is…) speaking. /No.

1. It is 8:30 on Saturday morning.

2. The children do not have school today.

3. They are talking about their plans for the weekend.

4. ----Would you like to join us? ----Yes, I’d love to. /Sorry, I can’t.

I’m busy.

5. ----Shall we meet at one thirty in front of the Garden Theatre? ----Yes.

6. ----What time are you doing to come home? ----At 4:30, I think.

7. ---What are you going to do at 10:15 tomorrow morning? ----I’m going to

牛津6B Unit 7知识点整理

Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend

一、 单词:

letter信 penfriend(不见面的)通信朋友;笔友 glue胶水;胶粘物

writing paper书写纸;信纸;便条纸 envelope信封both(两个)都



在 学习英语 课文中遇到一些看不懂的单词或 句子 很影响对整篇课文的理解,下面我为同学们带来六年级下册英语unit2课文翻译,欢迎大家学习!

六年级下册英语unit2课文翻译:Let's try

Wu Yifan is asking John about last weekend.Listen and circle.


1.What did John do last weekend?


A.He slept. A.他睡觉了。



链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1z7f_Y_3grWF1PsUpP0UDLg



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梅语文:人教PEP英语1~6年级下册电子课本+全册预习资料|梅学堂:人教版PEP英语五年级下册整本预习资料全汇总.pdf|梅学堂:人教版PEP英语五年级下册电子课本.pdf|梅学堂:人教版PEP英语四年级下册整本预习资料全汇总.pdf|梅学堂:人教版PEP英语四年级下册电子课本.pdf|梅学堂:人教版PEP英语三年级下册整本预习资料全汇总.pdf|梅学堂:人教版PEP英语三年级下册电子课本.pdf|梅学堂:人教版PEP英语六年级下册整本预习资料全汇总.pdf|梅学堂:人教版PEP英语六年级下册电子课本.pdf 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1sAEFQT4Khm6gfugEJWTd4w



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