
five miles from home

简介:英文歌词:We’re five miles from home.   We’re five miles from home.   We sing a while and talk a while,   We’re four miles from home.   We’re four miles from home.   We’re four miles from home.   We sing a while and talk a while,   We’re three miles from home.   We’re three miles from home.   We’re three miles from home.   We sing a while and talk a while,   We’re two miles from home.   We’re two miles from home.   We’re two miles from home.   We sing a while and talk a while,   We’re one mile from home.   We’re one mile from home.   We’re one mile from home.   We sing a while and talk a while,   And now we’re at home.   中文意思:距家五英里   我们距家五英里,   我们距家五英里,   我们一会儿唱歌,一会儿聊天,   我们距家四英里,   我们距家四英里,   我们距家四英里,   我们一会儿唱歌,一会儿聊天,   我们距家三英里,   我们距家三英里,   我们距家三英里,   我们一会儿唱歌,一会儿聊天,   我们距家二英里,   我们距家二英里,   我们距家二英里,   我们一会儿唱歌,一会儿聊天,   我们距家一英里,   我们距家一英里,   我们距家一英里,   我们一会儿唱歌,一会儿聊天,   现在我们到家了。


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